Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spent a good part of this afternoon at the "Queen of Peace' Catholic cemetary where I examined all burial plots having received cematary map from the catholic church out of New Town, ND. The Queen of Peace holds mostly Three Affiliated tribal members who were moved from Elboowoods, ND just priior to the flooding from the Garrison dam in the early 1950s.

Most of the plots have unreadable markers and only a few have headstones or legible markers. I plan to submit an article to the local newspapers around here to let tribal members and decendants know of my findings. How many would even care, I don't know. As I conducted this inventory I pondered the life and times of my ancesters who saw the end of the Indian Wars and the many changes brought by the government and the reservation system. Many struggled through hard times including the dust bowls days and economic depression of the 20's and 30's. Many are the orginal Indian allotment owners whose children and grandchildren are benefiting from recent oil developments.

My grandfather, George Grinnell; great-grandmothers Josephine Malnourie, Another-Kind-of-Sweetgrass and Many Dances, great-great-grandfather Charles Malnourie Sr. and great-grandfather Chief Old Dog are located here.

I will post further details and photos of my findings here.

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